The red light camera program in Virginia was allowed to expire last July. The presence of the cameras reportedly increased the incidence of accidents.
They will make a million the first week at Westheimer and Voss.
Revenue generator under the guise of 'Public Safety'.
Here's an analysis of the use of surveillance by law enforcement for general monitoring and misdemeanors:
Paging Benjamin Dover ...
The government should not be allowed any new crime fighting tools unless or until it demonstrates a willingness to either focus its existing tools on fighting actual crime or relinquish those tools it is unwilling to use for that purpose.
You need this
they installed these cameras in my city a few years back. Turns out they couldn't afford to keep them running so they turned them off. So for about 3 years we have these eyesores all around town.
Not to mention once these contractors arrive to "manage" red light violation projects, profitability becomes Job# 1 to them. You can bet the value of your home that the first thing they'll do is drastically reduce the duration of the yellow light to essentially create more violaters where fewer existed before.
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