We are born with God's blessing of freedom. It is our birthright, and that includes the right to be an idiot by refusing to wear a seatbelt.
Insurance is a man-made construct - a societal decision to create the ability to indemnify. You don't have a constitutional right to insurance.
Your aregument is similar to the argument for gun control - it's okay to infringe on the peoples' Second Amendment right because we've made a societal decision, through legislation and a criminal justice system, to not permanently incarcerate people who can't be trusted with gun ownership.
"Insurance is a man-made construct - a societal decision to create the ability to indemnify. You don't have a constitutional right to insurance."
Ho-hum... The constitution is also a man-made construct. So what? That is the way our society works. In our society, insurance is a necessity unless you want to be a burden on society. The flip side is that the failure to wear seat belts also can become a burden on society. Sad to say, but we do need laws to make lazy, ignorant slobs accept their personal responsibility in our society.
Anyone stupid enough to drive without wearing a seatbelt who is injured in an accident deserves what he gets, but why does it become MY RESPONSIBILTY to pay for his right to be stupid? Is the right to personal stupidity in the constitution? Was that an amendment I missed? I'm amazed that so-called FR conservatives think that society is somehow responsible for the incompetent fools who are too stupid to realize that a car wreck can leave you crippled or dead. This is liberalism at its worst. I never realized there were so many closet hippie-liberals here who can't accept responsibility.