You are also free not to wear one in your car.
Your Car, Your Property, Your decision.
Unlike you I don't try to spread my socialist dogma on everyone else and insist that they do as I say because it will lower my insurance rates. Number one that's a bald faced lie. Not one insurance rate has ever been reduced due to the population as a whole wearing seatbelts.
You need to get a clue as to what liberty means. You need to get a clue as to what freedom means.
Seatbelts being mandatory is not freedom, it is not liberty and if you spout off that it is and support this socialist trash, then you are no better than Hillary Rodham, Billy Boy, John Mclame and the rest of the socialists that pollute this country.
On public roads.
See my post #325. Saving over a half a trillion dollars in medical costs is not a bald faced lie.
How is a seat belt law different from a speeding law? They are both safety issues, they are both personal decisions and they both affect other peoples safety. Socialism has nothing to do with either of these laws.
Why is it OK to have speed limits, but not seat belt laws.
Sure when you are sitting in your driveway. Once you enter onto a public highway you are bound by those rules. Care to say otherwise? The road does not belong to you right?
I agree it is a blad faced lie. I oppose the insurance lobby entirely. I said so clearly in this thread.
By your logic then speed limits are the same thing. license plates too.
Seems that you have confused liberty and freedom with anarchy.
But hey, send any clue you care to.