"Hillary will be their nominee whether they like it or not."
Agreed, although didn't many of us think the Clintons would not permit Dean to get,let alone retain, the DNC chairmanship?
The issue is, of course, that the primaries are dominated by the moonbats---and the question is, who'se "left-ier," Hillary or Algore? My money is currently on she-who-must-not-be-named, but I do think she's slipping.
"The issue is, of course, that the primaries are dominated by the moonbats---and the question is, who'se "left-ier," Hillary or Algore? My money is currently on she-who-must-not-be-named, but I do think she's slipping."
I thought about her slipping. We're told that there is a very strong anti-incumbent bias. Why should Hillary be exempt from the anti-incumbent feelings? On the other hand, does Gore benefit by the mere fact he does not have the weight of an incumbency?