"Hillary will be their nominee whether they like it or not."
All of this is a game being played by the MSM, the pets of the Clintoons.
They will pretend to back Gore until Gore explodes like Dean did, and he will explode or implode or both.
Then, they will "reluctantly" support $inator Hildebea$T inspite of her baggage.
great minds think alike.
The only problem with this scenario are the Hildebeast's negative poll #'s with independents and her problems with the moonbats who have an exponentially larger say in the primaries. If the string pullers who torpedoed Dean in '04 decide that the Hildebeast is too negatively viewed by a majority of undecideds, then we could see Algore slide right in. Conversely, if Al is perceived as being too left, the same could be said of H.
The one great positive in all scenarios is that Algore will have the effect of forcing the Hildebeast to the left to placate the moonbats.