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Former Marine Foils Armed Robbery
| 5.30.06
| Michael King
Posted on 05/30/2006 5:16:41 AM PDT by mhking
An ex-Marine pulled out a pocket knife after five people, including a young girl, allegedly tried to rob him late Monday evening in Midtown. That girl died.
Another one of the alleged assailants is in critical condition.
Investigators are calling the case one of self-defense. They say no charges will be filed against the victim in the case.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; News/Current Events; US: Georgia
KEYWORDS: anamericansoldier; armedcitizen; attack; banglist; crime; formermarine; marine; nosuchthingexmarine; robbery
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To: Slings and Arrows
Urban Assault Vehicle for the 21st century.
posted on
05/30/2006 2:46:39 PM PDT
(WWJBD? What Would Jack Bauer Do?)
To: Fruitbat
Gun? That's not a gun! I guess this guy didn't here the phrase, "never take a knife to a gun fight", If I wore a hat I'd take it off for this man... : ) <<< me
posted on
05/30/2006 3:25:29 PM PDT
("What great fortune for government, That people don't think"....Der Fuhrer. Hummm.... : ) <<< me)
To: MarkL
Good question.
I have a good friend that I met in the military.
He was a Marine I was a Navy Corpsman. The 4.5 years I spent with the Marines has goten into my blood and I regret that I never went to MCRD.
He, my marine friend, has become a pot smoking, anti-war, pro-homosexual, biased journalist.
I have a difficult time considering him a marine. I'm not sure what he feels about it.
posted on
05/30/2006 4:22:51 PM PDT
(When liberty is outlawed only outlaws will have liberty)
To: mhking
Once a Marine, always a Marine. Never bring less than 10 men to tackle one Marine.
posted on
05/30/2006 6:01:45 PM PDT
(((Remember: DimocRat lies told often enough become truth to 48% of all Americans (NRA)))))
To: metmom
I almost had something similar go down Friday or Saturday night.
I was at the grocery store 8:30sh to 9:00 in the evening and the grocery store is sparse for personnel (no men at times). In my check out line 2 white men (late 20's early 30's) immediately in front of me are buying a case of beer etc and they are flirting with the check out girl.
Well they wont let up they are becoming more and more forward, asking her if she has a tattoo will she show them and so on, and the girl is getting very uncomfortable with the situation looking like its going to get out of control.
Well by now I had enough of it too, and I go 'HEY, ENOUGH ALREADY.., LATER..,' and I wave them off/away .
Well that stops them and the main instigator (perp) looks right at me, so we decide to have a little stare down (imagine good-bad-ugly soundtrak)LOL.
They leave the store, but I knew the odds of them waiting out there for me was about 95%, because thugs dont like not getting their way nor being shown down.
So on the way out the store I thought about that (all I had was a Husky folding utility knife with the carpet cutter blade in it, actually they are pretty good). So I remembered it was there if I really needed it.
So I come out of the store and sure enough.., 2 lanes off to the left and about 100' out into the parking lot 'my pals' have decided to 'toss a football' for a few minutes (yeh right), and now there are 4 of them.
So I walk to my vehicle without letting on I know they are out there, load my groceries into the truck. As soon as I get into the truck loaded and shut the door, now all the sudden their need for football is over and they all jump into the car and slam the doors.
So I decide to test them a little more. Normally I dont drive cross lanes in the parking but here I did as a test, because this put me behind and outside of them and going a direction that would counter-intuitive route to take to leave for some good ol boys after just stoppin by the store
Well sure enough here they come, pulling out about 300' behind me. Now I am still only going about 10mph or so, like I dont know they are there (and this is a big lot because its the grocery store and a target and a few others stores in between).
But rather than leave the parking lot (and get out somewhere where there might not be any cameras) now I make a U turn and we meet head on and pass right by each other. I look right at them as we pass, so they know that 'I know'. Also if they make another U turn now there is going to be several cars between them and me.
Well this time I do exit the parking lot with a right turn only. But since they cant see me now, rather than continue down the road like I would, I took the service road behind the store and came back around the building one more time, I had lost them.
posted on
05/30/2006 6:57:34 PM PDT
(Vet US Army Air Cav 1975)
To: RunningWolf
Good for you. I'll tell you what, that girl sure appreciated what you did for her. I've had my encounter with the occasional jerk trying to get funny and it really meant a lot when another guy sent him packing. Women know that they are no match for guys like that (unless they are black belts). I'll bet she was really shaking.
posted on
05/30/2006 7:46:57 PM PDT
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: RunningWolf
Sort of the same thing happened to me. This young girl about 14 years old was walking down the sidewalk near my house when some guys in a car decided they would explain how attractive she was.
They also decided to tell in explicit terms what they would like to do to her.
After I told the guys to take off and leave the girl alone, the girl told me in no uncertain terms that they were friends of her's and to leave them and her alone.
I was so embarrassed I lost my temper and told her the next time the guys decide to explain what they wanted to do to her, she should be standing in front of her own house.
posted on
05/30/2006 7:58:05 PM PDT
Shooter 2.5
(Vote a Straight Republican Ballot. Rid the country of dems. NRA)
To: Shooter 2.5
This girl might have been kind of associated with the background guy in the store, but not the perp.
Right after they went out of the store (and before I went out) another check out girl came over and warned her about things that can go down and she said 'are you kidding? no way am I going to meet those dudes after work'
Also these guys were waiting for me out there unless that series of events was just a huge coincidence. Look, its not like I fell off the turnip truck just yesterday, and that is an understatement of gargantuan proportions ;)
posted on
05/30/2006 8:27:59 PM PDT
(Vet US Army Air Cav 1975)
To: tgambill
posted on
05/31/2006 4:25:34 AM PDT
(Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
To: harpseal; TexasCowboy; AAABEST; Travis McGee; Squantos; Shooter 2.5; wku man; SLB; ...
This case is a great example of proper mindset. This guy brought a knife to a gunfight -- and won.
posted on
05/31/2006 7:20:43 AM PDT
Joe Brower
(The Constitution defines Conservatism. *NRA*)
To: Joe Brower
This case is a great example of proper mindset. This guy brought a knife to a gunfight -- and won.Lucky thing he wasn't in the UK. He'd be arrested for the knife.
posted on
05/31/2006 7:34:29 AM PDT
(Stupid is forever. Ignorance can be fixed.)
To: Joe Brower
That Jocks and Jills, that this Marine works at, is about 7 blocks from my wife's office. Wife's office is in a pretty nice area (near the High Museum, for you Atlantans), has parking under the building in a well-secured deck, and in general has good physical and human security.
The area where this event went down, now that I look at exactly where it happened, is 13 blocks away from her office, and is moving towards some pretty sketchy areas. Here's a map of the area, with 4th and Penn marked.
Good job on his part in taking out the trash.
posted on
05/31/2006 7:35:29 AM PDT
(Guns themselves are fairly robust; their chief enemies are rust and politicians) (NRA)
To: Joe Brower
This case is a great example of proper mindset. This guy brought a knife to a gunfight -- and won. I agree 100%. Protecting yours and your loved ones' lives always begins with mindset. You must be willing to die to be able to fight hard enough to live against a feral human. Subsequently, you must make the opponent pay the physical price -- or unwilling to pay this price -- in order to try to harm you.
I have known of mothers, in defense of their children, putting up amazing fights beyond any training they may have been exposed to. Their instinctive mindset was to fight to the death, using any weapon within a hand's reach, in defense of their children.
God gave us wonderful instincts. We should spend more time staying in tune with them rather than suppressing them.
posted on
05/31/2006 7:53:38 AM PDT
(Alexander was a wuss!)
To: mhking
Autry's attackers will face robbery and aggravated assault charges and are suspected in other robberies over the past week, Stephens said.If the girl died, they should be facing felony murder charges also.
To: B-Chan
He whips out his pocketknife Well there are pocketknives, and then there are pocketKNIVES. Considering it was in his backpack, not his pocket, it probably was at least as large as the Beretta that's sitting in my pocket as I type. The blade is almost 3.5 inches and fairly heavy, not I wouldn't want to be stabbed or sliced with it (well I have been sliced with it once, but you know what I mean) It's perfectly legal to be carrying around in Texas, and most other places as well.
posted on
05/31/2006 9:41:03 AM PDT
El Gato
To: Fee
Now if the ex-Marine was allow to have a CCW permit, the fight would be over even faster and a higher KIA for the unfriendlies. Unless he's been convicted of a felony or violent misdemeanor (and recently), he is allowed to have a CCW permit, should he choose to have one. After this, he just might, assuming he doesn't already. Since he was coming from work, it's possible that his "enlightened" employer has a no guns policy of one sort or another. Since he was walking, rather than driving, one has to presume he would have had the backpack in the restaurant where he worked. Some places, especially national or international chains, won't allow weapons on their premises, and more won't allow guns. Heck he might be in trouble for the knife. But a new job he can get, a new life he can't.
posted on
05/31/2006 9:54:20 AM PDT
El Gato
To: zip
:) Semper's the pride, honor, country and God.
posted on
05/31/2006 12:57:34 PM PDT
(I would like to comment.....)
To: mhking
bump ... Semper Fi .. and well done.
posted on
05/31/2006 3:52:20 PM PDT
(The social contract is breaking down.)
To: Fruitbat
This is my is for fun. Oh, and getting you're ass wupped by a Marine. LOL.
posted on
05/31/2006 4:08:17 PM PDT
( -- Go Speak Your Mind.)
To: tiredoflaundry
Or maybe there should be a disclaimer*.
*Do not bring a knife to a gunfight unless you have had twelve weeks of the most intensive hand to hand combat training ever devised. Or if it is your only means of defense and you are not able to run away. For an example see the following article.
posted on
05/31/2006 4:10:43 PM PDT
( -- Go Speak Your Mind.)
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