I bought the simplest clamshell Motorola I could find. Its sorta cheap plastic, but its probably the last of the non-camera phones. I had to get a color screen, even though I don't need it. And it was cheap.
All I need is the ability to make calls. Voice mail would be nice, but I could live with calling a mailbox. What I'd really like is something slim - like a Razr - so I can keep it in my pocket when need be, and high-quality. Something that has the same "feel" as a quality watch - good quality materials, decent design, solid construction - a "phone for adults" and one I can keep for years.
I'd pay extra for a phone like that, but no one makes them.
If you find one, let me know. I'll buy 16 for my company employees, who are also tired of their over-complicated units.