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1 posted on 05/29/2006 10:52:32 AM PDT by cornelis
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To: cornelis

So exactly what IS Bush's motivation for the stance he has taken? Are W and the 'Rat$ concerned about the price of illegal drugs in America's big cities?

2 posted on 05/29/2006 10:55:13 AM PDT by Paladin2 (If the political indictment's from Fitz, the jury always acquits.)
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The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611), which recently passed the Senate, provides amnesty to illegal immigrants and creates a massive “guest worker” for life program. Earlier this month, The Heritage Foundation released an analysis calculating that the bill, if enacted, likely would result in 103 million immigrants obtaining legal status or entering in the U.S. legally over the next twenty years.[1] All of these individuals would have the right to permanent residence and could become citizens and vote in U.S. elections. - link
3 posted on 05/29/2006 10:55:39 AM PDT by cornelis
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To: cornelis
It is impossible in so short a time to assimilate 100 million people whose native culture does not respect the Rule of Law, self-government, private property, or the sanctity of contracts, and where they are accustomed to an economy based on bribery and controlled by a small, rich ruling class that keeps most of the people in dire poverty.

This point is huge, and must be repeatedly said. There is a huge danger that they will bring their culture with them. We have already seen this corrupt political culture happen in Southgate, a southern suburb of Los Angeles.

6 posted on 05/29/2006 11:00:36 AM PDT by DeweyCA
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To: cornelis

He'll never work in this town again !!

7 posted on 05/29/2006 11:02:09 AM PDT by fish hawk
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To: cornelis
I am waiting for the Bushbots to claim that Phyllis Schafly, who has been a conservative activist since before most of us were born, is really a radical extreme right wing racist fascist homophobic xenophobe who has sold out to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.
8 posted on 05/29/2006 11:03:11 AM PDT by Wallace T.
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To: antonia
  1. Just for starters, we need to change the immigration laws so that children do not automatically become citizens and set a limit to how many relatives can come in also.
  2. Build the wall.
  3. Apply a Heavy federal tax to any money sent out of the country via western union and the likes.
  4. Apply Heavy punitive fines on employers of illegals
  5. Support freedom fighters: leftist governments are rearing their ugly heads in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, and perhaps Mexico and Peru. U.S. oil companies are being nationalized. China is aligning itself with Cuba and Venezuela to explore and drill offshore oil just forty-five miles off the Florida Keys.

    That begs the question, why isn’t the United States drilling there?

    And, perhaps more importantly, what is our government policy regarding this burgeoning leftward tilt in Latin America—which by the way is a safe harbor for a number of terrorist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad, all of which are actively plotting to destroy the United States?

    This is very serious stuff. The U.S. government needs a clear and aggressive response to this leftist revolt that threatens our hemisphere.

    And by the way, what actions will our government take to defend our corporations from expropriation? Since when do we allow foreign governments to take over the assets of American companies?


12 posted on 05/29/2006 11:11:25 AM PDT by beaelysium (Paradise is always where love dwells.)
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To: gubamyster


15 posted on 05/29/2006 11:16:24 AM PDT by DumpsterDiver
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To: cornelis


He wants to duplicate his father and hand over the White House to a Clinton.

18 posted on 05/29/2006 11:19:32 AM PDT by investigateworld (Abortion stops a beating heart)
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To: cornelis
There could be another explanation...

Aliens tell Bush: "All your country are belong to us!"

22 posted on 05/29/2006 11:34:15 AM PDT by sully777 (wWBBD: What would Brian Boitano do?)
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To: cornelis

Top Ten Conspiracy Reasons Why Bush supports Amnesty:

1) He's was replaced with a stunt double by Vicente Fox two years ago.
2) He and Vicente Fox are in love.
3) He froze out Cheney from policy making 2 years ago.
4) The Bush family is planning to run Jeb on the Democrat ticket, and thus want the Republican party split.
5) He feels guilty over his illegal maid/nanny from long ago.
6) He is being blackmailed over photos taken by the drug cartel or Mexican college roommates.
7) His choice and pronunciation of words proves he is an illegal immigrant himself.
8) He's controlled by the Catholic church and the labor unions who want to increase their memberships.
9) He wants to make whites the new minority so they can claim federal benefits.
10) He's tired of the job and thus mad at the political base that elected him.

The above is all in jest, but perhaps the real reason is: he made promises to business lobbyists that funded his elections. These are made up of two groups: North America Free Trade types and We-Want-Low-Domestic-Wages-To-Compete businesses.

25 posted on 05/29/2006 11:40:52 AM PDT by Hop A Long Cassidy
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To: cornelis
In my opinion, there are a number of reasons for George Bush's stand on immigration and border security:

1. His background is very different from ours. His parents had Mexican domestics, George and Laura have Mexican domestics and JEB is married to a Mexican. This is his frame of reference - not the millions that are taking advantage of public assistance or the 100,000+ illegals in prisons.

2. Many of his friends and financial supporters depend on immigrants for domestic labor (don't expect them to wash dishes or change diapers) and Businesspeople who want cheap labor

3. His relationship with Vincente Fox - he would rather lose the support of the American people than Fox

4. Like his father, George Bush has internationalist tendencies
27 posted on 05/29/2006 11:56:22 AM PDT by BW2221
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To: cornelis
Phyllis asks:
Why, oh why, is Bush so stubbornly rejecting the advice of his supporters even though that advice is consistent with the thunderous message from public opinion surveys?
Interesting, as Phyllis herself answered this question almost a year ago when she wrote this.

The "bottom line" to all of this is found right here.

Nasty, nasty stuff that will put an end to our country as we know and love it.

30 posted on 05/29/2006 12:04:00 PM PDT by upchuck ( - the most unbelievable web site in the world.)
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To: cornelis

c) Bush is a globalist at heart and wants to carry out his father's oft-repeated ambition of a "new world order";


It is as good as an explanation as any why he now walks with Kennedy and McCain.

34 posted on 05/29/2006 12:12:56 PM PDT by Biblebelter
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To: cornelis; All
There is simply no logical reason to grant any illegal an "earned pathway to citizenship".

If GWB REALLY believes that these people (illegals) are here to "do the work that Americans don't want to do"....then he would just support a bill that grants LEGAL RESIDENCEY ......and NOT a "pathway to citizenship".

There is simply no reason of justification to wave a magic wand and make these people citizens.
What would be the result of 12,000,000 (ridiculous low number) 22,000,000 (likely the true number) people made legal citizens who can then each petition for up to 16 family members to come in. taking the "median" number of 17,000,000...times 16 and that's one hell of a lot of dum-o-crats that GWB will be bringing in.

If GWB really believes there is a WOT going on, then how can he fight tooth and nail against having more secure borders.

His work so far in securing our borders is certainly not what one would believe is satisfactory during a time of WAR. He has HAD the power through Executive Order to put NG on the borders. So either the WOT is a total line of BS....or he is extremely negligent in letting 5000-7000 people stroll across our borders unaccounted for EASH WEEK during the last 5 years.

Which is it?

You can't have it both ways.

Any way you slice it or dice it....the RINO Republicans as well as GWB's position just doesn't add up.
43 posted on 05/29/2006 12:34:44 PM PDT by taxed2death (A few billion here, a few trillion there...we're all friends right?)
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To: cornelis
Bush prides himself on being a man of his word and he gave his word to Mexican President Vicente Fox

What about keeping faith with US citizens?

46 posted on 05/29/2006 12:47:45 PM PDT by A. Pole (Solzhenitsyn:"Live Not By Lies" arch/solzhenitsyn/livenotbylies.html)
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To: cornelis

"defies most Republicans"... 'defies most Americans' also works.

56 posted on 05/29/2006 1:25:05 PM PDT by Pelham (McGuestWorkerProgram- Soon to serve over 1 billion Americans)
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To: cornelis; Jeff Head
Although the primary answer is "(c) Bush is a globalist at heart and wants to carry out his father's oft-repeated ambition of a "new world order"; "

As a consequence of his position thereto...all the other issues fall into line and are supporting thereto. So you could also say, "All of the Above."

But "(c)" is the explanation for all that he is doing.

It explains the monomania to destroy U.S. sovereignty and court autonomy with a series of unconstitutional trade "agreements" that are not passed by 2/3s Senate majorities as required.

It explains the President's push for the Law of the Sea Treaty, which lets the UN assert authority over the all the seas...and the right to tax the U.S. for use thereof. This treaty was killed by Ronald Reagan, properly firing all of its treasonous socialist authors from the State Dept. W has revived it, and tried to slicker it through with Richard Lugar's help. Might try and do what he did with the Illegal Amnesty bill...and do another Pact with the RATs and RINOs to overcome the Republican majority. Fortunately, a simple majority of rats and rinos is not enough for a treaty. They need 2/3rds...hence they have yet to try it. They know we still have more than 36 conservative votes against it.

It explains the constant failure to confront China.

And they thing which first caught my attention and Alamo-Girl's: It explains the constant failure to rebuild our strategic arsenal, or maintain our infrastructure of military industrial capacity, and squander in Xlintonesque fashion our residual Reagan legacy...with no serious re-capitalization intended. He doesn't intend that we should remain the Global Superpower.

His naval ship construction rate is notably... less than Bill Xlinton's!. The USN submarine fast attack fleet...supposed to be at 66 hulls according to the needs declared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff is already 10 below that, and at his current dilatory rates of production and regular retirement... will be half of that in another 15 years ...down to 28. His anemic production rates have caused our carrier fleet, which the JCS also believes that we need 15, has with underfunding-dictated retirement...fallen to only 11. And with continuing under-building of carriers, he is attempting to rationalize the resulting further collapse of the carrier fleet to 9 or 10.

The one bright spot: The Aegis missile defense has worked as good as advertised by its proponents. But then the Bad News: W is failing to actually deploy new Aegis cruisers over the baseline, and has a liesurely schedule of converting the cruisers we have to the new capability. The Navy begrudges diverting these essential cruisers to missile defense picket duty. Hence the crucial need to deploy DEDICATED Aegis Missile Defense cruisers. In fact, older Aegis cruisers are being retired which could be adapted are being retired with half their service life unused.

Rumsfeld admits that the Chinese Navy could have more attack submarines than we do by 2015. And who knows how much else. He expresses "concern" but apparenlty is unable to offer from W any timely funding to cure these.

Guess this is what W meant by being for "military transformation."

Wouldn't want a suddenly conservative U.S.Superpower to be able to "opt out" of the New World Order. Has to weaken us to the point we have to depend on Globalist agencies...for the most measily security arrangements.

59 posted on 05/29/2006 1:30:35 PM PDT by Paul Ross (We cannot be for lawful ordinances and for an alien conspiracy at one and the same moment.-Cicero)
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To: cornelis

Phyllis Schlafly .... I have the utmost respect for her and her ideology. On immigration and other matters

60 posted on 05/29/2006 1:32:13 PM PDT by dennisw (We should return to calling them Muhammadans -- Worshipers of Muhammad and maybe Allah)
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To: cornelis


72 posted on 05/29/2006 2:19:06 PM PDT by devane617 (It's McCain and a Rat -- Now what?)
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To: cornelis
I still don't get it. I love my President, but this is something I really don't understand. Perhaps it is because he grew up in Texas that he feels some sort of affinity with these people. Some have said that he speaks better Spanish than English. Perhaps he thinks that the long-term future of the Republican party is linked to Latino's as the fastest growing minority in America. Perhaps it is because his sister-in-law is Mexican. Maybe deep-pocket Republican businessmen are really more dependent on cheap illegal labor than we who use legal citizens want to admit.

I dont' get it--and he doesn't get it at all. Conservative Republicans don't like it and aren't going to take it anymore.

82 posted on 05/29/2006 4:57:58 PM PDT by MHT
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