So, in your view, congressional members have full immunity from all illegal activities of any sort while they're in office?
That's silly and you know it.
"So, in your view, congressional members have full immunity from all illegal activities of any sort while they're in office?"
Actually what I said was.
"I also think there are plenty of ways for the Enforcement folks to acquire evidence of wrongdoing or corruption of our elected officials without 'Crossing the Rubicon" rifling the files or entering the offices of our elected officials. "
So no I don' think they have should have full or blanket immunity.
Their offices are the peoples offices however and they are only temporary inhabitants of them.
It is our ability to communicate privately and securely with our elected officials that is at hazard here.
Our elected officials are not all crooks and their ability to work securely on our behalf far outweighs the need of Law Enforcement to enter their offices.
I did not complain or demand immunity from criminal prosecution for Congressmen Cunningham before or now Jefferson.
I am simply stating that there are sound reasons to object to the offices and records contained therein of our House and Senate not being subject to search by members of the Executive Branch.
No one has pointed out here (including myself up to this point) that there are ways thru the Speaker of the House and the House Ethics Commitee to obtain records and documents, discipline and or remove a sitting elected official .
Members of the Executive Branch entering the Offices of the Legislative Branch and removing documents is not appropriate.
Given a different Administration those documents could well have contained evidence of impeachable offenses by the Executive, Criminality of the Judiciary and the names of those providing the evidence.
Just think before you jump on this bandwagon to what degree would you trust the next Clintoon Presidency or Reno Justice Department to limit their actions if faced with exposure for High Crimes and Misdemenors, Impeachment and removal from office?
Then think Elian Gonzalez..
I think the answer is very disturbing.