Flunk the 47,000 students, and fire the stupid teachers!
To be fair... Is it always the teacher's fault if his/her student fails a graduation exam? The teachers are generally under pressure* by the school administrators to pass even the weakest students.
*And by pressure, I mean with the threat of losing their jobs.""
I want to see the following statistics on these 47,000 kids:
What are their attendance records??? Many kids don't attend school with any thought that it matters. Parents aren't plugged in, and teachers cannot force them to attend.
What are the criminal records of these kids? I will bet that they aren't choir boys and girls. Killing time - and often each other- these kids haven't had true consequences for their actions since they sucked at moma's nipple. The ACLU has made it impossible for parents to put any discpline into their lives. They have no dress codes at schools. Grades are often graded on the curve, so if the best test score is a 64 out of 100, then 64 becomes "A" and everything falls down from there. a 36 could become a "D". Grading on the curve is the most dangerous method, IMO, because the level of expectations gets lower and lower.
When these "graduates" get into the work force, their employers won't be grading them "on the curve", so they will be useless, clueless, and unemployable. I am glad I am no longer employing people.
Just a wonderful reward for tax payers who funded their "education" for 13 years, isn't it?????