Don't be asinine. What we're talking about is not "catching" them, but punishing them when caught. Here's a clue, to use your own "analogy"---those speeders who GET CAUGHT also GET PUNISHED. Thus, those gatecrashing aliens who GET CAUGHT also GET DEPORTED---not amnestied.
Once the House bill passes, when they can't find work, many of them will deport themselves. The rest can be caught "the old-fashioned way"---one at a time. If the Clinton Administration could catch and deport 1.5 million in the late 1990's with an INS budget of $5.2 billion dollars, I'm sure that doubling the INS enforcement budget will let us catch (conservatively) 2.5 million a year. Since many will have self-deported, we can probably deport the rest in five years or so.
Under Clinton and Bush you have these large deportation numbers but 95% of these "deportations" are merely Mexicans who are arrested by our Border Patrol within 50 miles of the border, processed, then sent back to Mexico. This 1.5 million you cite is not from interior enforcement or workplace raids. OTMs (other than Mexicans) arrested by the BP are usually released into the US because they would have to be deported via plane flights. A logistical & financial nightmare.
Notice I will not call you "asinine" for thinking H.R. 4437 would ever result in mass deportations in the first place. As for my analogy about speeding, many of those "caught" get off with a warning (is that "amnesty" too?), some go to traffic school instead (i.e. having to learn English like under the Senate bill), or other non-punishments. Some were speeding so much that they get their license taken away or put in jail (as I've always said, any illegal alien caught breaking another law should be deported or jailed too). So, I like the analogy just fine.