"Bush is not satisfied with his low poll numbers and wants to see if he can hit the single digits."
Best response yet!
I'm guessing someone in the Administration thinks that Hastart has a point on violation of seperation of powers, though I cannot see how.
It's easy when they're all clueless regarding the Constitution. They don't respect it. They don't abide by it. They don't govern by it.
There is nothing in the constitution about "seperation of powers". It is only implied according to constitutional scholars. However, the entire concept, much based on Madison's writings, that this so called "seperation" is to avoid having too much power consolidated in one place that allows for a tyrannous majority. In other words, it is to protect the people or minority.
On top of this, they seem to have forgotten about the concept of "checks and balances".
Is this FreeRepublic I'm logged on?
The majority of the posters on the 1st 100 replies are driveby posters....who hate our party.
Go away. Go to DU and play.