In a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" all politicians should be limited to two-year terms so the people could fire those who are doing a poor job every two years. Judges should also stand for election, including Supreme Court justices. We either have elected government or we don't. This quasi-democracy only leads to dissatifaction of the people who correctly feel that special interests are in charge of our government.
We were gifted with a Democratic Republic. If our form of government were to be changed to a pure democracy, we would cease to exist. America is no longer GOD fearing enough, educated enough, savvy enough, and is far to corrupt with personal agendas to survive very long. No, our Founders were brilliant, and Americans today are NOT!
One only has to compare and contrast with the other governments on Earth to see, that even with ALL of our problems, we still have the best form of government on Earth today.
They were, originally. The Senate wasn't elected until 1913; they were appointed by State legislatures. The House was elected by the people every two years.
If the Senate were still appointed by the states, how would today's illegal immigration debate be playing out?