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To: Kaylee Frye

Spyware and ad ware? I now use the Proxomatron to stop pop ups, but before whenever I accessed lyrics websites, I got a message saying that 'pups' were downloaded to my harddrive and I had to manually delete them. My virus software McAfee wouldn't automatically delete the 'pups'.

Glad to hear you don't have any such problems. Which reminds me, time to run another virus check soon.

41 posted on 05/24/2006 8:03:30 PM PDT by phantomworker (And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds...)
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To: phantomworker
Not familiar with the terminology 'pups' - is that popups? I've never understood how people think popups can be downloaded to your hard-drive. It's impossible. However, a program (stored on the hard drive) running that initiates popups randomly, that I believe. How you got the program - I have no idea. But it didn't just magically appear. It probably came along for the ride with a piece of software you downloaded once.

Specific case example: my husband and I both have desktop computers at home. They both live behind our router, which protects us from hackers. On my computer, I run simply Norton Antivirus and typical programs like Word, IE, Netscape, and a few games. On his computer, he runs all the anti-spyware, anti-popup, anti-whatever software. His computer has more virus-like symptoms than mine. Coincidence? Maybe, but I know of many other examples like this. I honestly think that spyware and viruses piggyback on common anti-spyware type software. Do I have proof? Nope.

49 posted on 05/25/2006 8:53:36 AM PDT by Kaylee Frye
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