The dems made this 30 year old problem a major issue to divide the base. They did it through fueling these protests with the massive turnouts. They knew it would anger the base and knew there were not the votes in Congress to fix the problem and appease the angry base. Its the port deal all over with and the rats are loving it.
Yes, I agree.
Well that's to the benefit of America if true. This is a problem that NEEDS to be fixed or else America ceases to exist as we know it. The Census bureau estimates that over 100 million hispanics will inhabit the American West and Southwest by the year 2020; that amounts to a literal conquest of part of our nation, without ever firing a shot. What good is having the Republican Party in power if they refuse to act on something this monumentally important to our nation? Maybe those Founding Fathers were more ingenious than we all thought, with the institution of the two-party system.
I've got news for you, this is not a liberal/conservative issue. Anyone that has liberal friends can hear them ranting about the border (unsolicited) just as conservatives are.
I will give you that this issue is the single largest reason for the low, low poll numbers Bush is seeing.
And that is hurting the conservative agenda on other fronts. With his numbers low, he can not get much moving. The border issue is the number one issue he needs to address.