Not Fantasyland... I've yet to meet a single gun owner that will vote for Guiliani if Mark Warner runs... have you? I suppose that is why the Republican slate is supporting legalizing the illegal aliens... they are looking for a new voting base to replace the gun owners, the anti-tax folks, and those that support a smaller government... you know, the groups that put the Republicans in control of Congress in 1994 and the White House in 2000 but were then cast aside and shunned.
As to the polls, I don't listen to the polls since they are usually off quite a bit. The only one that counts is the one on election day.
I've been involved with Republican party politics for almost 7 years now. I resigned my position on my local committee this year due to the way the politicians have been treating the social conservatives.
I have decided to become a single issue voter and I don't really care what party the candidate is affiliated with. If they are pro-gun, they get my vote... If not, well, don't bother asking me for support... Guiliani is anti-gun. He won't get my vote and I sure won't help him in any way. Just because he has an "R" after his name doesn't mean a thing.