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To: Mamzelle
Yours is a searingly eloquent and heartbreaking post.

You have articulated the fatal hypocrisy of George Bush and why, ultimately, his will be a failed presidency. I assert this with the deepest sorrow and can only say to those who will swarm in anger against me, that I have faithfully posted on this issue for years and have not come lately to my stand on immigration. It took your post, however, to link it to the war in Iraq.

It's the Joe Sixpacks who produce the sons who serve in the military, it isn't the children of neocons who do this job.

Why do they serve? For love of country, because they are patriots. They serve their country. They do not die to further the Neocon Worldview. They do not serve the cause of Israel. Neither do they fight for Mexico. They serve America. They serve their own nation. They believe in the nation state. They die and sustain terrible wounds because they believed their government when it told them they must invade Iraq to preserve America.

George Bush has unmasked himself: he does not believe in the nation state, the sovereignty of America, because, if you have no borders, you have no country. Rather, he believes in a larger concept, perhaps grander, perhaps not, but he does not believe in America as the core reality. He believes in other values first. He sees America as a part of a grander whole, perhaps a part of North America, or an alliance against terrorism, or as a transitional stage on the way to world government or, whatever, but not the nation. Thus, he can value his personal relationships with Vincente Fox over the interests of the nation state he has been elected to represent faithfully. Thus, he can deceive himself that his bonhomie with Putin will deflect Russia from its perceived national interests. Thus, he sees not even a perceived issue with Dubai Inc. controlling our ports - they are just like us (the James Bakers and GHW Bushs of the world)

Bush does not see himself as a lawyer representing a client to whom he alone owes (within the bounds of ethics) fealty but he sees himself under noblesse oblige to answer a higher call. Some dare call it elitism.

All of this leads to your next sentence, which you have put so succinctly, "Bush has broken faith with the middle-class conservative citizen that has provided the support for the WOT.

Why die in a war against terrorism, in which the terrorists seek to destroy your country, if the elitists all around you are destroying your country before your eyes? What are you fighting for? A multi-national corporation? The survival of Israel? The betterment of Mexican peasantry? One world government? A north American trade zone? What, if not your country?

But whose country?

115 posted on 05/23/2006 3:00:58 AM PDT by nathanbedford (Attack, repeat, Attack..... Bull Halsey)
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To: nathanbedford
Why die in a war against terrorism, in which the terrorists seek to destroy your country, if the elitists all around you are destroying your country before your eyes? What are you fighting for? A multi-national corporation? The survival of Israel? The betterment of Mexican peasantry? One world government? A north American trade zone?

Lord Haw Haw, I thought you were dead.

Or has Tokyo Rose found work as the bearded lady?

126 posted on 05/23/2006 4:24:09 AM PDT by patriciaruth (
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