To: stuck_in_new_orleans; ohioWfan
Im not getting into this tit for tat NONSENSE game of yours. In your eyes, GWB could smear feces on the bible and you'd be the first to defend him as a "great man". Translation: "I've got nuthin' and I need to declare victory and withdraw."
653 posted on
05/27/2006 10:40:18 PM PDT by
Mr. Silverback
(Try Jesus--If you don't like Him, satan will always take you back.)
To: Mr. Silverback
This is spiritual warfare, Mr. Silverback.
The posting is getting progressively more vile and blasphemous, and there doesn't seem to be any control of it any more.
657 posted on
05/28/2006 4:36:06 AM PDT by
(When the 'base' and DU are in agreement about the President, the problem is not with him.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson