The odds of collision are the same. Nobody has done anything to change the odds. We are no safer than we were. Now, if we really want to change the odds we need to actually do something such as put some hardware out in space so we can change the momentum vector. But, doing anything these days seems to take Congress and several $ billion and a declaration of human rights violations and investigations of charges of bribery and racism.
We'd probably push the wrong way and cause it to hit us.
Now, if we really want to change the odds we need to actually do something such as put some hardware out in space so we can change the momentum vector. But, doing anything these days seems to take Congress and several $ billion and a declaration of human rights violations and investigations of charges of bribery and racism.
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I don't think it would qualify as hardware . . .
but I wonder if we could position Scuba Teddy's buttocks such that we could precision guide his farts. Surely the old windbag has enough wind to change the course of some pretty big asteroids?