"I love this Pope. He's not going to put up with nonsense from either the left or the right."
Actually, on this one small point we agree. I think the pre-Vatican II'ers take it too far, and I believe the liberation theologists take it way too far (the Marxist socialists). However, your stance on immigration associates you with the leftist socialist humanistic point of view of the liberal part of the Catholic church. I want to see a traditionalist (however, not the whacko part of the pre-Vatican II'ers) and conservative return by the Catholic church in dogma and spirituality. No more gays in the clergy, allow for the Latin mass, weed out the pro-abortionist clergy, and those that pursue other leftist agendas. And that includes support for illegal aliens' entry into our country. That's a non-starter.
I am finding the Eastern Catholic Church far more attractive these days than the too often socialistic U.S. Western Catholic church. I'm looking into that as a better home for my particular more traditionalist beliefs than the way too liberal Catholic church for my tastes, and the leftist U.S. Council of Bishops. Don't go to church to be a social worker. Rather as food for the soul. And charity where needed, not to leftist organizations.
Fine. The Eastern Church will satisfy your love for smells-and-bells.