Your choice was between an honest man who was screwed by his governor, his senators, and who made mistakes, and who has been the most honest and conservative mayor in New Orleans since the early 60s,
the people who are drooling over skimming the $$$$$ for reconstruction, who belong to the demoncratic party establishment, and who have been picking the pockets of the people of NO for 30+ years.
Given those choices, who would you vote for?
The voters should have voted in someone other than those two. I'm sorry, but Nagin didn't even have the legalities of ordering a mandatory evacuation worked out in advance - he spent Saturday wasting valuable time chasing down the City Attorney to work out that detail. If NOLA cannot clean its own political house, I do not trust it with my tax dollars.
Was interesting to hear the head of the Democrat party had placed operatives to work against Nagin in the election.
Can't imagine why?