It may come to that...on a larger scale. I admire your gumption in doing so, and I understand it...if I had property being used like that, it would make me pretty angry.
When I took my flying lessons with him, we would vector down to the Mexican border. While I was learning how to pilot an airplane, my instructor was looking for illegal aliens sneaking across our border.
When he observed a group of illegals crossing our American border, he would have me circle the location, while he notified other border patrol agents by radio.
This is how I learned to fly with an average altitude of 20 feet AGL. We would sneak up on the illegal aliens, and by the time they could hear the airplane, it was too late.
He also taught me how to fly an airplane with absolute precision, and was the best flight instructor I ever had.
When you are only 20 feet above the ground, you learn how to control your airplane.