I'm in Austin. Got family in Laredo and the valley.
Don't go saying you speak for Texas. Most folks I know *want* more border security, including federal troops permenantly stationed there. The drug war, esp in Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, has become a serious issue. Cops being gunned down on the courthouse steps, etc.
You don't sound like any Texan I've ever met, being against tighter border security.
"Don't go saying you speak for Texas."
I'm a Texan, also, avocado, and any state that has a national border will naturally federal enforcement of that border. The fact that it has failed so miserably is only further justification to beef up the border. If you advocate a "state's right" in the sense that you want national guardsmen there, then fine. But you simply cannot believe that the federal government has no say regarding the penetration of its border.