"I voted for GHW Bush to be Prez. I voted for W to be Gov. of Texas - TWICE!!! I voted for W to be Prez - TWICE!!! I voted for HIS brother Jeb to be Gov. of FloriDUH - TWICE!!!! So, if I'm a Bush-basher, I've earned the right."
I can say DITTO to the first part of your reply above. I have worked for and voted for W a total of four (4) times. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how you voted for W for Governor twice and his brother Jeb for Governor twice. I guess you moved back and forth between Texas and Florida, huh? How many other Governors have you voted for in the past 10 years?
I've been as hard on the President on this issue as anyone. But, my goodness, cut the guy a little slack. He's in a lose-lose situation. What do you want him to do? Bomb Mexico?
I've lost confidence in him.
I'd say clean house in light of the "passing intelligence to the mexican government," but that presupposes the administration is lying, and you no doubt disagree with that supposition.
What I want him to do is restore my confidence in his administration as a bulwark against the spineless congressional republicans.