Tough stuff..the Americans are closing their borders with compassion. Something even a Frenchman can appreciate if he is wise.
"Tough stuff..the Americans are closing their borders with compassion. Something even a Frenchman can appreciate if he is wise."
I see no closed border here.
I see a pretense at a closed border.
6000 National Guard, not actually guarding the 2000 mile border, to be withdrawn soon enough. With another 6000 Border Patrol agents to guard a 2000 mile border. That's not a closed border. It's not even close.
A "virtual" border? Sounds very expensive; much more expensive than an Israeli-style WALL, which has been extremely effective. Also sounds not very effective. A virtual border means no border, but sensors. Coyotes run past: the sensor goes off. Tumbleweeds blow past: the sensors go off. Nobody gets picked up unless Border Patrol agents actually go to the spot and catch the border crossers.
The "virtual border" sounds like an open border to me.
Guest worker is amnesty by another name.
"Back of the line" still means "ahead of the line" for every would-be immigrant waiting in a foreign country for the chance to come to America, because the "back of the line" illegal still gets to live and work here while waiting for regularization.
I listened to the President's speech, and what I heard was a man who knows that his political life and that of his party lay in persuading people that he was really going to close the border this time, without, however, taking any decisive step to actually do so.
Right now, America has an open border.
What I heard tonight will make it a little bit more restrictive, eventually, but still open.
And will still leave employers with full access to as much cheap labor as they want...except that guest worker will mean they don't even need to hide what they're doing. They just flat out don't have to hire low-skilled Americans because they can LEGALLY hire unprotected aliens at low wages.
I think that the BorderBots will not be pleased at all.
Certainly from my own perspective, I don't see America closing the borders with compassion. I see compassion, but no real closure of the border.