And you are going to take a job pciking vegetables or tarring a roof in 100 degree heat, when, Mr. uber American.
Strawman argument Dane, cut it out.
If I was unemployed and my options were to roof a house. ( which I can do) or pick vegetables ( which I can do) then I WOULD DO IT.
Are there not unemployed American citizens?
" And you are going to take a job pciking vegetables or tarring a roof in 100 degree heat"
Plenty of American felons make their living on roofing crews, that is until the Mexicans move in and undercut wages by 25-50%.
"And you are going to take a job pciking vegetables or tarring a roof in 100 degree heat, when, Mr. uber American."
You know, you're really something. I've thrown more hay bales in my life than I can count. I'm nearly half a decade old and I still shovel cow shit. My husband works in the construction industry. I picked asparagus when I was in my teens. Just who in hell do you think built this country?
It sure sounds like YOU don't need the kind of "job an American won't do", but I have friends who work on pig farms, chicken farms, contruction, etc.
As a teen I DID work picking vegtables and tobacco during the summer for spending money.
I also put myself through engineering school working road contruction and digging ditches during the summer.
Maybe YOUR elitist friends won't get their hands dirty, but there are still a hell of a lot of Americans who do this kind of work EVERY DAY to make a living, and they do not want these jobs taken away from them or their wages depressed by illegals.