My hope has always been our representatives would stand up to him on this issue that I, personally, feel he is wrong on. In my case, two of my three representatives are in the right territory, John McCain is another story.
I have supported (and still do) 99% of what our President has done while in office, this is about the only thing I have not supported from the very beginning.
I live in a border state and it is costing everyone in our state millions of dollars, pushing our emergency rooms beyond capacity (financial and otherwise), our schools are failing miserably because so much money is going into billingual education and the classrooms are over burdened, our prisons and jails are overburdened with a large population being illegal immigrants...our crime rate, in our fairly small town, has exploded with a large portion coming from illegals who are working for the local luxury boat manufacturers. I just cannot support amnesty for illegals, and anyway you cut it, this plan of McCain/Kennedy the President is supporting, is amnesty.
It seems to me that what you want is all of those people GONE. Perhaps I am reading your post wrong, but if all of those were legals, would you be happy?
I am trying to understand what people want. I am not being clever or trying to bait you, but I seriously don't know.
So, please explain to me what you think should be done.
The president supports McCain/Kennedy?
Document that.