To: pbrown
Since I didn't ask your permission to be here I will decline your suggestion. Beside without me here you would just be having a dull circle jerk.
112 posted on
05/10/2006 2:07:39 PM PDT by
(If you believe ANYTHING in the Treason Media you are a fool.)
To: justshutupandtakeit
133 posted on
05/10/2006 2:29:27 PM PDT by
processing please hold
(Be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands than with a clinched fist)
To: justshutupandtakeit
I suppose it makes you feel like you're doing an amazing job of debating, but really, some of your comments (like the one this is addressed to) make you sound like a teenage boy. I'm sure you're not, and I'm sure you can actually make cogent points without stooping to vulgar remarks. Why not do that?
139 posted on
05/10/2006 2:34:47 PM PDT by
(amnesty--an act of clemency by an authority by which pardon is granted esp. to a group of individual)
To: justshutupandtakeit
Since I didn't ask your permission to be here I will decline your suggestion. Beside without me here you would just be having a dull circle jerk.Now that there's funny, I don't care WHO you are! LMAO
191 posted on
05/11/2006 6:40:54 AM PDT by
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