We do a hell of a lot more than try we detain and deport 1.2 MILLION Illegals per YEAR.
This is a massive effort probably unparalleled in human history but I would not expect anyone to realize this since the FACTS are never spoken of hysterical emotionalism is preferred.
If you think the US gov is doing all they could to solve this problem I think I have a bridge you might like to buy.
Blow smoke up brytlea's a$$ if you're able. Google "illegal alien revolving door". You'll ONLY get 371,000 hits...and some damned finely written analyses on the subject.
This is a massive effort fraud perpetrated on the American public probably unparalleled in human history but I would not expect anyone defenders of illegal aliens to realize admit this since the(y) FACTS are never spoken of hysterical emotionalism is preferred are the ones perpetrating the fraud in the first place.