> read the Declaration of Independence
I have. It's nice prose, but it's not law, per se. The Constitution *is*.
> the inalienable rights endowed upon all ..... by their Creator.
Natural Selection and the insensate laws of nature?
Your post challenged the poster to show the word "divine" in the Constitution. He was quoting the dec of independence and the word "divine" is in there...where it belongs...in the Founders' statement of our national values. Values and rights are more fundamental than "law", which is written by man. King George III wrote "laws"
You think your rights come from the Constitution? The Founders were deeper men than that. Your rights are "secured" by the Constitution because the Founders considered those rights to be inalienable....and granted by a higher power...and they trusted that Divine providence would favor our nation's endeavors.
Because of our passivity as a religious people (NOT our activism, as Andrew seems to think), we have ceded the job of writing law and affirming it to men who have no fixed values and who are contemptuous of our fixed values....and by centuries of legal obfuscation, the values of our Founders.
Stay on topic.