According to an article in News Max she is/was a liberal. That was a revelation that took me back somewhat.
wow, if Laura Bush is socially liberal, then that would explain a lot. Sad, because they have no true understanding how a very limited government would result in many of the problems, they profess "only government can solve," being solved in a superior manner in the marketplace. I know she was a librarian. If government completely got out of the education racket, the marketplace would provide superior solutions, at much less cost. It absolutely disgusts me to no end to see how people think that with "just a little more government" we can get things right. Bush doesn't realize it, but his legacy will be no way near what it could be if he only stood up to the ignorant liberals around him. Then again, he might be more liberal on issues than he admits. In any case, this revelation leaves me completely disgusted with Bush and his entire socialist domestic agenda. The minutemen are TRUE patriots!!! God bless the minutemen and damn anyone in our government that is against them.
According to an article in News Max she is/was a liberal. That was a revelation that took me back somewhat.
That alone would make me suspect this is some kind of a 'backdoor' attempt by the liberal media to make Bush look as though he were spying on the entire country. (even the MM) I'm going to let this one ride until I get more info.