What a silly statement!
Of course it can't have "unintended" consequences. The very purpose of a boycott is to force the killers to choose survival or destruction. Survival, of course, beginning by abandoning the goal of destroying the state it claims to own: Israel. And the decision to begin to create a civilized society, if it is possible to do so after five generations of single-purpose murdering existence.
The "palestinians" are simply a tool, a weapon, of the Umma. It has performed exactly as intended.
Exactly! In the looking glass logic of the Islamist, this is an opportunity. It dumps the old, footsi PLO/FatAss and will leave the stronger Hamas victorious, the West supplicating and the Death to Everyone still in place. Watch for more real and 'created' video of paliwog suffering. Sofar everything is working to Hamas's benifit. For now. Rice/Bush the EU are idiots if they go crawling back, begging Hamas to forgive them.