found this after the first time RFID passports were mentioned online.
I'd be afraid that altering or disabling the rfid on the new passports will put a person under greater TSA scrutiny for all future internatinal and domestic flights.
What if this became common place in a nation like Ruwanda or Sudan, Tutsies and Christians wouldn't stand a chance, they couldn't even meet to lay plans for for self defense without the knowledge of who attended, where, and where troops were massing to stage counter attacks. They couldn't even hide without being found. Taken to it's worse case scenario this could be far more than a benign tracking of goods and blue jeans.
But I doubt the technology is advanced enough and may never take that direction anyway. It's just disturbing that many things invented for the common good ends up being perverted into something devastatingly destructive and corrupt.
For instants most agencies formed and laws passed in D.C. that are suppose to be a benefit end up being a disaster by not only not fulfilling their reason for existance, but often time actually working against it's on purpose for existance. Like Welfare, Medicare, the Public School system, the INS, the CIA, the Patriot Act,HUD, government banking rules and regulations, "Know your customer", the list just goes on and on.