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Race for Congress is lively: Dealing with immigration hot topic for candidates
TMCnet ^ | 05/06/2006

Posted on 05/07/2006 7:20:38 PM PDT by NapkinUser

There's an anti-immigration crusader who's raised eyebrows across the country. A state representative reviled by his own party leaders but backed by out-of-state conservatives. An elected state official who jokes that as a CPA, he has a "license to be boring."

One thing not lacking from the lively race for North Idaho's seat in Congress this spring: Choices. Six Republicans are facing off for the GOP nomination, and two Democrats are vying for their party's nod. The prize – an open congressional seat – will go to the winner in November, when the two major-party primary victors will be joined on the ballot by an independent and two third-party contenders.

"We all bring something to the table that's a little different," said GOP candidate Sheila Sorensen, a former longtime state senator from Boise and a nurse practitioner.

The contest among the six Republicans in the primary has been the noisiest, with much of the debate coming over the issue of illegal immigration – just as the issue has hit Congress and national headlines.

Democrat Larry Grant, a former vice president and general counsel at Micron Technology, the giant Boise computer-chip manufacturer, raised a few eyebrows of his own by turning down an invitation to a candidate forum in Post Falls this week with all six Republicans, his Democratic opponent Cecil Kelly, one independent and one third-party candidate.

"I have basically taken the position that I'm not going to run against six Republicans," Grant explained. "I will run against whoever they have as their best candidate." Otherwise, he said, "I become the target – they're all shooting at me."

Kelly, a Coeur d'Alene businessman who says he doesn't expect to win but wants to bring attention to issues, said he attended an earlier Kootenai County Democratic forum with Grant and saw important distinctions between the two of them.

"I believe in the rights of the gay community to be married and he doesn't," Kelly said.

Grant, asked what distinguishes him as a candidate, said, "My business background."

It's easy to distinguish the six Republicans from one another. Though all have been talking about the immigration issue, the loudest voice certainly has been that of Robert Vasquez, a Canyon County commissioner.

"My opponents would like you to think that I'm a one-issue candidate, although every one of them has followed my lead in this battle against illegal aliens," Vasquez declared.

A twice-wounded Vietnam veteran who himself is of Hispanic heritage and speaks Spanish, Vasquez has been crusading against illegal immigrants since 1992. He's drawn national attention for sending the government of Mexico a $2 million-plus bill for expenses he said his county incurred because of illegal aliens.

"Obviously I did not expect them to pay, but it was a means by which I could then let my constituents know how much they had spent on illegal aliens," Vasquez said.

He's also still pursuing a federal RICO lawsuit against local employers for allegedly conspiring to employ illegal workers. After losing initially in federal district court, Vasquez is pressing the case in the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

"It's simple: If you are going to hire an illegal alien, then you should be responsible for that person's food, housing and health care – not me," Vasquez said. "The employers reap the benefits of a reduced labor cost."

In fact, Vasquez sees pretty much every issue – health care, the war on terror, trade, the federal budget and more – as coming down to one of illegal immigration.

"What makes me take a stand? The fact that no one else is willing to or has the intestinal fortitude to stay with it," Vasquez said.

Candidate Bill Sali, an attorney, longtime state representative and author of several controversial anti-abortion bills, notes that he's never hesitated to take a stand. During this year's legislative session, Sali clashed with House Speaker Bruce Newcomb – a fellow Republican – over his strident arguments on abortion legislation and over his opposition to the structure of a property tax bill.

Newcomb, who last year relieved Sali of his chairmanship of the House Health and Welfare Committee after repeated disputes, announced that the tax bill objection was a challenge to his leadership – and Sali ended up getting just two votes for it in the 70-member House, including his own.

"I have demonstrated that I have the backbone to stand up and do what I think is right," Sali said. "I don't think people are satisfied with politics as usual. I don't think they want a congressman that will be a go-along, get-along guy. ... If they do, I'm not their guy."

Sali surprised some Idaho Republicans by taking an early fundraising lead in the congressional race, thanks to his endorsement by the Club for Growth, a Washington, D.C., group that backs tax cuts, limited government and deregulation, and funnels millions each year to selected GOP primary candidates. As of March 31, Sali had raised nearly $300,000, much of it from the club's members across the country.

"Their single most important issue is smaller government and lower taxes, and they look at my history in the Idaho Legislature, the fact that I've never voted for a tax increase," Sali said.

Candidate Keith Johnson, an attorney and CPA and the current state controller, said, "I'm not a flame-thrower, I'm not caustic in my rhetoric. I'm a CPA by profession, which I suppose gives me license to be boring."

Johnson's won the endorsement of former Gov. Phil Batt, who enjoyed being known as a "tightwad," and he likes most to talk about fiscal policy.

Compared to his opponents, he said, "None of them have the education or the professional background that I have with regard to government, with regard to fiscal policy."

He's also the only one of the group who's won a statewide election.

Candidate Norm Semanko, a former congressional aide and current head of the Idaho Water Users Association, cites both his work in water and agricultural issues and his years of experience back in Washington, D.C., as points in his favor.

"It comes from having been back there," he said.

And though his recent professional career has been in southern Idaho, Semanko notes that he was raised in North Idaho, was valedictorian at Lakeland High School in Rathdrum and still has family in the area.

"I have the knowledge of federal issues, I have the local touch," he said.

Candidate Skip Brandt, a state senator from Kooskia, likes to call himself the "Northern Idaho" candidate in the race. "My home is in Northern Idaho, I was born in Northern Idaho, my business is in Northern Idaho," he said. "Northern Idaho is my life. ... Also being the only small business owner (in the Republican race), I also have knowledge of what effects taxes and regulation have on our businesses and our community."

Brandt, though he's chaired the Senate transportation and health and welfare committees, has been something of a maverick in the state Senate, leading opposition to the sweeping Nez Perce water rights agreement and voting against Gov. Dirk Kempthorne's bonding plan to upgrade highways including U.S. Highway 95.

He notes that he's endorsed by former U.S. Rep. Helen Chenoweth-Hage, "so you know I'm conservative."

Candidate Sorensen points to her legislative experience. She's the only one of the group with an endorsement from a current member of Idaho's congressional delegation – 2nd District GOP Rep. Mike Simpson.

Sorensen's long career as a moderate, pro-business Republican state senator who was elected to party leadership and chaired the leadership-dominated State Affairs Committee put her at the heart of some of the state's hottest issues.

She made news when she killed an anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment in her committee, though the measure passed the next year and is now on November's ballot.

She said of her primary election opponents, "All of the five are trying to be as far-right as they can be, and I'm not. I have a record, I stand on my record. It's a strong, conservative record."

Sorensen has poured some of her own funds into her campaign, and made an early move to buy up billboards throughout the district, ensuring visibility.

"I've been to every parade, every fair, every anything that's going on," she said. "We all have a responsibility to give back to our communities, and this is one way I like to do it."

The primary election is May 23.

Skip Brandt

Party: Republican

Age: 41

Personal: Married, one 7-year-old son

Education: Clearwater Valley High School graduate, attended University of Idaho for one year

Professional: Co-owner of Ace Hardware Store, Stites, Idaho

Political: Served four years on Kooskia City Council and three years as mayor, then three terms in the state Senate. Chaired Health and Welfare and Transportation committees.

Key issues: War in Iraq: Believes eliminating threats to America and protecting U.S. troops must take precedence over establishing Iraqi government. Immigration: Wants to secure borders first, then make federal government liable for costs of illegal immigrants, "because it's a national problem." Energy: Supports drilling for oil on the continental shelf and in Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, and ensuring American ownership of energy reserves.

First priority in office: Landing leadership roles. "Just like in the state Senate, you have to be in leadership, you have to be respected and admired by your peers if you want to accomplish anything at all."

Quote: "Put America first, that's my whole platform."

Keith Johnson

Party: Republican

Age: 43

Personal: Married 21 years, three children

Education: Bachelor's degree from Boise State University in business administration and accounting, law degree from University of Denver College of Law, certified public accountant

Professional: Current elected state controller. Served as chief deputy controller from 1999 to 2002; was the appointed comptroller of Oklahoma from 1999 to 2002; and previously worked as deputy treasurer for Orange County, Calif., after that county's bankruptcy, and for CPA firms in southern California and Colorado

Political: Elected state controller in 2002; frequent GOP volunteer and convention delegate

Key issues: Federal fiscal policy: Backs freezing or reducing non-defense discretionary spending, a line-item veto, and reforming entitlement programs including reducing benefits to future retirees. Immigration: Wants to secure borders to curb illegal immigration, plus streamline legal immigration process to remove incentives to "come in the back door and shoplift the benefits of citizenship." Energy/gas prices: Supports drilling for oil in Alaska and off the Gulf coast, plus looking at alternatives including nuclear energy.

First priority in office: "Conveying the importance of curbing the growth of government, and that concerns the fiscal policy."

Quote: "The status quo is not sustainable and puts us clearly on a path toward insolvency at the federal level."

Bill Sali

Party: Republican

Age: 52

Personal: Married 29 years, six children, three grandchildren and two on the way

Education: Bachelor's degree in economics from Boise State University, law degree from University of Idaho

Professional: Attorney in private practice in Kuna, Idaho since 1984. Former part-time drummer and singer in rock and country band.

Political: Served in Idaho House of Representatives from 1990 to present. Former chair of Health and Welfare Committee.

Key issues: Immigration: Wants borders secured, opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants, supports legal immigration. Federal spending: Wants big cuts in federal spending, including reforms to health care programs, and would vote against emergency spending bills. Congressional procedures: Backs balanced budget amendment and single-subject requirement for legislation to "return a level of integrity to the workings of Congress."

First priority in office: Hiring the right chief of staff. "I will need to have an exceptional staff ... (to) be there to serve the people of the state."

Quote: "I have a 16-year record that proves I will lead on issues that are important to conservatives."

Norm Semanko

Party: Republican

Age: 39

Personal: Married 12 years, one daughter

Education: Bachelor's degree from University of Idaho in political science with minor in finance; law degree from University of Idaho

Professional: Executive director and general counsel, Idaho Water Users Association. Former staffer for U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, including serving as his North Idaho field representative, and for Republican National Committee. Practiced law in Twin Falls for seven years.

Political: GOP activist and convention delegate, elected precinct committeeman. Student body president at Lakeland High School, Rathdrum; chairman of College Republicans at U of I

Key issues: Federal budget/tax policy: Backs balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, because "Congress has proven that they can't control themselves when it comes to spending." Supports flat tax or national sales tax. Immigration: Wants comprehensive reform. "Farmers and ranchers want to hire legal people, but the system is so broken right now they really have no alternative." Agriculture/natural resources: Opposes sell-off of public lands, favors management of land for multiple use and access.

First priority in office: Build coalitions and relationships with other congressmen to broaden understanding of Idaho issues

Quote: "In 40 years we haven't had a congressman from North Idaho. ... I grew up there."

Sheila Sorensen

Party: Republican

Age: 58

Personal: Married 30 years, five children, nine grandchildren

Education: Bachelor's degree in nursing, Loretto Heights College, Denver; certification as pediatric nurse practitioner, University of Colorado

Professional: Pediatric nurse practitioner, retired

Political: Elected to two terms in the state House of Representatives and six terms in the state Senate. Chaired the Senate Health and Welfare and State Affairs committees and served as majority caucus chairman.

Key issues: Overspending: Supports Bush Administration plan to freeze non-defense spending and cut the deficit in half by 2009; backs reviewing entitlement programs, fiscal restraint. Affordable health care: Wants consumer-oriented solutions, supports health savings accounts, making insurance more affordable so businesses can offer coverage to employees. Illegal drugs/illegal immigration: Says the two issues are connected because both "have to do with a lax border." Backs securing borders against both drugs and illegal immigration, giving employers tools for enforcement, and removing job incentives that serve as a "magnet" for illegal immigration.

First priority in office: Work with Idaho delegation, form coalitions, hit the ground running. "We in Idaho only have two people in the House of Representatives, so the person who goes back there has to be able to do the job from Day One."

Quote: "I have 17 years of experience ... I know I can get it done for the people."

Robert Vasquez

Party: Republican

Age: 56

Personal: Divorced, two grown children

Education: Bachelor's degree in business administration from College of Idaho, now Albertson College. Earned GED while serving in Vietnam.

Professional: Current Canyon County commissioner. Former political consultant, columnist, assistant to mayor of Caldwell, pre-sentence investigator, community resource development worker for state Health and Welfare Department

Political: Ran for county commissioner in 2000, elected in second run in 2002. Former state commander, Disabled American Veterans of Idaho. Worked on political campaigns including Helen Chenoweth for Congress and Ron Pollock for state auditor.

Key issues: Immigration: "I think we should seal the border, go after the employers and eliminate some of those conflicting federal regulations that allow the continued employment of illegal aliens by unscrupulous employers." Trade: Opposes NAFTA and CAFTA as "intended to dispose of American's sovereignty and nationality." National security: Doesn't favor a draft but believes one may be necessary to cut back on use of reserves and National Guard troops; believes "gaping borders" and foreign control of ports are threats to national security.

First priority in offic e: Join Rep. Tom Tancredo's House Immigration Reform Caucus to push for changes in immigration laws.

Quote: "From '92 on, I've been the sole voice in Idaho sounding the klaxon horn against this invasion of illegal aliens."

Larry Grant

Party: Democrat

Age: 60

Personal: Married, one son, two grandsons

Education: Bachelor's degree in government from Columbia University, law degree from University of Denver

Professional: Retired. Served as vice president and general counsel for Micron Technology Inc. for 10 years, and same position at VLSI Technology in San Jose, Calif. for three years.

Political: Democratic activist, served as treasurer or finance chairman for campaigns by congressmen Larry LaRocco and Richard Stallings, worked on Fruitland school bond campaign. First run for office.

Key issues: Spending: "We need to get back to balanced budgets and pay-as-you-go government." Corruption/bureaucracy: Supports reinvigorating the House Ethics Committee, which he says isn't completing investigations. Says Congress "should demand that every government agency be efficient, effective, and accountable, and headed by someone who is competent and experienced." Immigration: Says at Micron, he couldn't hire a foreign engineer unless he could show no American was available, and the company would pay a fair wage. "What works in the lab ought to work in the lettuce field."

First priority in office: Stop excessive spending

Quote: "This country is in trouble. We have a failure of leadership, Congress isn't doing its job."

Cecil Kelly III

Party: Democrat

Age: 62

Personal: Divorced, three stepchildren

Education: Bachelor's degree in business administration from University of Idaho, U.S. Navy veteran

Professional: Manager and president of a small business, Law Shop of North Idaho, since 1983.

Political: Ran for Idaho Legislature but withdrew candidacy; ran for Kootenai County commissioner but lost in primary

Key issues: Human rights: Supports all people's First Amendment rights to speak out, including racists. Immigration: "If they want to be citizens they need to go back to their country and petition like anyone else." Sale of national forest land: "I'm totally opposed. I feel the national forest lands belong to the people of Idaho and to the people of the West."

First priority in office: "Defending human rights, probably by trying to amend the Patriot Act to get rid of those portions that violate our civil rights"

Quote: "I'm running to bring attention to issues. If I win I will be very happy, but it's not my primary goal."

TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: Idaho
KEYWORDS: 2006; aliens; congress; idaho; immigrantlist; immigration; robertvasquez
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To: ken5050

You're very welcome.

As a general rule, the only states which have primary run-offs are in the South.

21 posted on 05/09/2006 3:40:00 PM PDT by Clintonfatigued (Illegal aliens commit crimes that Americans won't commit)
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To: Clintonfatigued

FYI..NY State and NY city both have primary run offs..if a candidate doesn't get a 40% plularity in the primary, then 2-3 weeks later, there is a primary run-off between the 2 top vote getters..

22 posted on 05/09/2006 3:46:52 PM PDT by ken5050 (Ann Coulter needs to have children ASAP to propagate her gene pool. Any volunteers?)
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To: NapkinUser
Because Sali has recieved lots of money from outside Idaho means squat. I bet you anything he doesn't even place third among the six republicans, quote me on it.

Sali has raised alot of money and gotten endorsemenys from groups like, Club for Growth, Concerned Women Political Action Committee, National Right to Work, Government Is Not God PAC, Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund, Sixty Votes Coalition, Republican National Coalition for Life, Conservative Victory Fund, Idaho Chooses Life, The Coalition for Natural Health, Idaho Coalition for Natural Health, National Pro-Life Alliance, American Conservative Union, National Right to Life,House Conservatives Fund PAC , etc

But he has still out raised all the others from in state donors too.

I love Brandt, and Vasquez, but started working 7 counties for Sali because after much thought and prayer realized (as did the pacs listed above) that he was not only the most conservative, but had the greatest chance of winning.

As I go door, to door, and call people all day long I only hear two names that they like, Sali and Vazquez. Many hate Sheila, and Semanko. Sheila because she is a RINO, and Semank for his involvement with selling out North Central Idaho in the SRBA.

I believe it is Sheila in the lead, Sali next , Vasquez after Sali and the rest behind. I can tell you that I will be furious if a couple of those who are behind stay in , and give it to Sheila.
23 posted on 05/09/2006 7:35:08 PM PDT by Delphinium
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To: NapkinUser
I'm not so sure. His website talks of "safe and sane borders" which makes me think he wants a guest worker plan. Plus he is the only one in the race, republican or democrat, who hasn't run a commercial or has something on his website stating he is opposed to CAFTA.

Vasquez, Brandt and Sali are almost exactly alike on imigration.

Didn't Vasquez family get here because of a guest worker visa? Yes, I think so.

Sali apposes CAFTA.

Another difference between these three candidates is that Sali has NEVER IN 16 YEARs voted for a tax increase, the other two have.

Vasquez voted for a tax raise in his county this year and voted himself a wage increase too.

The people who are calling Sali a nut case, are the same RINOS calling Brandt and Vasquez the same kinda stuff.
24 posted on 05/09/2006 7:44:16 PM PDT by Delphinium
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