God Bless the Minutemen...
And now, here is a first-hand report from MachinistTX:
After my 3 hours of sleep last night, I arose at 6 am and left the house at 7 am. I made the 200 and something mile drive, got a few pics and a bunch of video--several I'm sure all of you will be interested in. ..All in all, I drove a little over 400 miles today, spent a fair amount of $$$, and came home with a renewed confidence in some of my fellow americans...
Oh, and there were several black americans there, along with several of mexican and or central american decent.
If the media actually chooses to give the event some air/press time--the rest of the country might hear the truth, and some very moving stories. The press was there, no telling what they will do with the pics/footage though......
I was somewhat disappointed that more people didn't show up..., but some people came in from Montana, Georgia, Kalifornia, and a few other states. That made me damn proud to have gone..to see that some people are actually dedicated to this.
Thank you, Machinist TX!
Although I have to wonder what has become of Texas when you see more baseball caps than cowboy hats! LOL.