I have always voted and will again in this election. I will also vote for Repulicans at the national level and most state races. However, while I am committed to voting and understand the consequences of a Democratic takeover of the Huuse and Senate that in not the case with many of my neighbors who have been supportive of Republican candidates and the President. They just do not see a reason to vote for either party candidate. They say the Democrats will vote the way of their special interests and the Repubicans will vote the way of their special interest. They do not believe either party cares about their interests on immigration, budget deficits, growth of federal power, curbing the judiciary, etc etc. I really believe that some of them will just not vote this cycle and that will be devastating to control of the House. I believe it is time our respresentatives listen to us or risk losing support.
The ignorance is not realizing this, and thinking you can just switch to the other party when the republicans let you down. That isn't true if the other party is the communist party.
BTW I blame republicans for this in part. For the good of the country they should aggressively call out the dems and force them to move closer to the middle. Instead, the GOP treats the dems like a competent mainstream party.