Reagan didn't have a GOP Congress (The Senate for 2 years IIRC), Illegals were only 2 million and not a nationwide problem, and had no conservative news outlets at all.
President reagan was the best in my life time. I always supported him.
Iran Contra hearings Ollie North fought back every day! President Reagan stood fast.
President Bush has not fought back once in the last 16 months. I swear Bush is the Dems and Mexico's pinata
Reagan had a GOP Senate led by Bob Dole from 1981-1986. It helped Reagan get a great deal of his economic recovery plan and military buildup passed into law. The Senate compromised with the Democrat controlled House and gave Reagan most of what he wanted. Speaker O'Neil knew that Reagan was more popular with the American people then he and Democrats were. Reagan made the most of what he had to work with.