It's totally amazing - actually almost beyond belief - that you SQL Squadron members who can spot the slightest imperfection (or even imputed slightest imperfection) in things FairTax cannot spot a clearly-visible error one of your own puts "out there" and then claims there is no error (as you do).There is no error. You won't tell us because it doesn't exist. You are a liar (and an immature one at that).
That should read "outed again" rather than simply "outed".
"There is no error."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Are you ever dense. You keep repeating the lie that there is no error when clearly there is. I've told you that several times and you KNOW I don't lie even though you may not agree with everything I say and IF I make a mistake I admit it.
If I really thought you'd TRIED to find it I might take pity on your ignorance and tell you which line it's in, but it's so much fun to keep hearing you say things like the lead-in sentence and then call ME a liar.
Keep it up, Nightie!!