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To: trashcanbred

But the problem with non-secratarian prayer is that it means nothing. And that's the problem I have with the Chaplain service. It's more like a bunch of guys that want to be in the service, but don't really believe in anything.

By their very nature a minister of God (whatever faith) should want to win souls. If they don't what's the point in their becoming a minister(priest, rabbi, etc..)

21 posted on 05/04/2006 9:33:23 AM PDT by for-q-clinton (If at first you don't succeed keep on sucking until you do succeed)
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To: for-q-clinton
But the problem with non-secratarian prayer is that it means nothing. And that's the problem I have with the Chaplain service. It's more like a bunch of guys that want to be in the service, but don't really believe in anything. By their very nature a minister of God (whatever faith) should want to win souls. If they don't what's the point in their becoming a minister(priest, rabbi, etc..)

In the case I mention, where a Chaplain invoked Jesus Christ's name to some of the Jewish cadets, do you think that was the right thing to do? If so don't we close the military off to other religious beliefs? Because if I was a Jew, I would not join if I thought you were going to try and convert me.

I might be wrong so please correct me if I am but the Chaplain corp's goals are not to win souls but to council those of various religious backgrounds, right? That's what it says on their web site(s).

34 posted on 05/04/2006 9:54:42 AM PDT by trashcanbred (Anti-social and anti-socialist)
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