Chaplains can't pray? Maybe we just don't need chaplains any longer in the armed forces. Maybe we can just get by with imams.
We are such a soft people...
This is not true. Chaplain Klingenschmidt is a liar and a publicity hound. I think the guy's off his rocker.
Misleading headline. Chaplain on trial for disobeying a direct order.
I heard this guy on Hannity spewing all of his lies and then after he hung up they put on his Command Chaplain who refuted every single charge that he made. The Command Chaplain stated in no uncertain terms that he is a Christain and that when he prays he does so to and in the name of Jesus Christ and he would expect that all his Christian chaplains do as well.
chaplain ping
Generally, military personnel are not to bring their troubles to the press in uniform.
The headline to this story is very misleading. So before everyone gets too upset, read the article, or at least the quote from it I have posted above my comment. The Chaplain is not on trial for "praying".
IIRC, the order was not to invoke a specific diety during non-religious ceremonies, i.e. an opening prayer at a change of command.
Not all that unreasonable if you think about it, a chaplain has to minister to all faiths not just their own denomination.
This issue came about because a chaplain at the Air Force Academy (who I think was evangelical) kept invoking Jesus Christ's name during a prayer. Because of complaints by Jewish cadets, the Air Force created stricter guidelines that said Chaplians must offer only "nonsectarian" prayers. As I understand it, that is what the role of a Military Chaplain is right?
My understanding is he has a problem praying as he wants to by saying in Jesus Name; however, he's probably gone about this the wrong way.
Having said that, I've always found the chaplain service a bit silly. Having a Catholic priest pray for a muslim on his deathbed because there isn't an imam just stupid.
The more of a devout believer you are the more silly it is to have another faith "bless" you on your way out of the world.
The best answer is to let catholics teach catholics/protestants preach to protestants/mulims to muslims/etc...
Then just hire the correct number based the number of military members that subscribe to that faith. If we dont' have your faith...sorry choose a more mainstream religion or learn to practice on your own.
One issue this guy is talking about is that he's not allowed to pray "In Jesus Name" has to be a generic prayer at community events. So that does bring up a sticky situation. I always prayed in Jesus Name, but what would I think if I was a banquet and the Priest prayed through Mary? Or a Muslim prayed to Allah.
It sounds like a JAG office policy. Military JAG's are loaded with ACLU types even in Iraq. The Bush DOD has failed to clean out the clintonista's in this area as well as most other critical areas of government. That's the primary reason we find JAG's bringing charges against combat troops for killing terrorists. For the skeptics who may challenge this statement, check with any young military lawyer with JAG experience.
Unfortunately this President has not yet purged our military of the Clintonistas appointed during the Clinton administration to practice "social engineering." They had a "captive" audience and a large budget to play with. ...very sad state of affairs and more evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Please do not change headlines.
Are chaplains now also subject to "Don't ask, don't tell"?
Beam me up, Scotty...
If he is its rightly so.. its one thing to protest a policy, its another to do it in uniform at a press conference... he violated rules, no different than if an active duty person showed up in full uniform at a pro abortion rally.
This sort of activity is clearly against the rules.
Believe your grandma.
He's accused of violating an order not to appear in uniform at news conferences
Today's big news is that the Los Angeles office of NBC is staffed by liars that know how to fire up the ain't-it-awful crowd at the freerepublic.