I would dispute the fingerprint point. But still, even to say since we cannot know, we cannot consider is wrong. One possibility is completely eliminated from consideration. The "cannot know" works both ways. If He is the author of all that exists, you will never understand how He did it until you understand Him. You will always come up short if you eliminate the possiblity of the truth.
"But still, even to say since we cannot know, we cannot consider is wrong."
No it isn't. Science class isn't for bandying about theological claims that are untestable. ID is such a claim.
"The "cannot know" works both ways. If He is the author of all that exists, you will never understand how He did it until you understand Him."
That's an untestable *if*. The only way to objectively know what has happened is to do what science has always done; use only testable claims. It sure beats going on a mystical tangent.