There are conservatives who are also dissappointed, not because Petro was the perfect conservative, but because they see Blackwell as more of an opportunist than a strong conservative figure.
I don't live in Ohio so it didn't matter but I was pulling for Petro. But now that it's Blackwell, I hope the Petro people can forget all the horribly negative things Blackwell said about them, and join him to kick the democrats in November.
The problem with negative campaigns is they cause hurt feelings.
Blackwell better win, or it will set back the conservative movement considerably. All conservatives better be supporting this nominee with their time and effort.
But us Blackwell people will forgive all the trashing, the dirty dealing, and the targeted attacks against Ken Blackwell, and welcome the Petro people home. No hard feelings.
The conservatives I know are damn glad Blackwell won over Petro. Petro is just another RINO we did not need and would have gotten his ass handed to him in November because conservatives like me would not vote for him.
Is Blackwell a a political opportunitst? Well I guess all Politicos are to some extent, but Blackwell is a real deal conservative and the Ohio RINO establishment types like DeWhiner and Voinobitch are afraid of him. You ought to be thanking him since he single handidly negated the rampant vote fraud in Ohio, basically saving Bush's re-election in 04.
Petro was a turncoat morderate/liberal posing as a Conservative to get the nomination.
Ken Blackwell is conservative to the core. The REAL deal.
Any conservative who is 'disappointed' is NOT one.......or very ill-informed.
Thank you for informing us as to what we should do. [sarcasm]
After being told for a year by establishment devotees or out and out RINO's (some on this board) that Blackwell couldn't beat the 'in state' GOP machinery, their voices have now been invalidated.
It was Blackwell or no one, and the establishment RINO's will have to suck it up as they did when Reagan finally got through their ranks and won the nomination. After all, Conservatives have sucked it up and suffered RINO's, especially in OHIO, for years. About time they got something in return.
Blackwell is one of only a couple Republicans I'm willing to support this year. He'll continue to get the type of out of state support that helped bypass the establishment and got him the nom, the same support that torpedoe'd Daschle.
And if the best you can do is whine about having "mean" things said in a political campaign, good grief!, then go join the McCain express. He's still holding a grudge he wasn't endowed with the GOP nomination.