I love that "We're a nation of immigrants," line. Yes, we are. We are a nation of legal immigrants...who, by the way left their lands to become American.
Now, who can find out what's missing from that last sentence? (Hint: It's what separates today's immigrants from yesterday's.)
The smear...you're racist if you oppose open borders, which is yet another euphemism. They're invading, coming here to take over. They won't go home, ever. It's not a two way street. If we let the MSM define the argument, we'll see more doctored TV, where they show only American flags and chants of I love the USA. Then, when the camera's turned off or away, you don't hear the shouts in Spanish, which aren't fit for children's ears, and you don't see those massed Mexican flags. Well, that's the game plan.