Gee, isn't his shirt saying, "I'm lost; I can't find my home; please deport me to Mexico!" Why can't someone do that? He obviously makes no attempt whatsoever to act or look American and assimilate like a good immigrant.
This whole 'new' idea of 'give back the southwest' to Mexico thing is really just a nicely timed leftists ploy, playing off Bush and the war in Iraq. The folks fueling that kind of hate are using the immigrants and illegals to further their aims. Should they succeed, their pawns will be treated just like they think of or wish to treat the rest of us. It pains me that the immigrants and/or illegals don't see that, that they think of this as some revival of Che or some revolution for themselves. Che was a socialist commie who would have sold them out at the first chance. Just look at Venezuela or Bolivia today. Bolivia - just in the news today, elected a socialist and tanks are rolling in the streets. Freedoms are disappearing. Is this really what the supporters expected? And it just goes downhill from there...