"Both of my parents are now deceased. While I will share some of my personal issues with you, I am not as are the other contributors to this book anonymous, and I don't wish to do damage to my parents even after their deaths.
By the time of this last conversation with him, I had pulled back the lens and looked at him with objectivity. I was not the little girl trying to get approval from her dad. I was a grown, competent woman looking at a man who had been petty, insensitive, mean, thoughtless, demeaning and downright unloving, all for the sake of his own ego."
Either this woman needs an editor or big-time counseling.
It sounds like she had a bad childhood. This explains her personality. I respect her views for the most part, but I don't respect her behavior. I've never liked how she makes money by tearing into pathetic callers on her show. I've listened to her program about twenty times when travelling. I've never really learned anything from her show, except that there alot of troubled masochistic people in this country who want to get onto the radio even if it leads to being scolded, or worse, on the air.
Why do you say that?
Because she does exactly what she says she isn't about to do and she does it in the space of just a couple of minutes of writing.
OR you do.. This lady is a counselers counselor.. and unique..
An opinion gained by listening to her radio show..