Dispersal order given at 1st and Main Street in Los Angeles....some group of protestors with face shields
We only had one arrest in Houston - one protester wouldn't get out of the middle of a busy street and then resisted arrest on top of that.
Kinda funny, to me, anyway, was that they had numerous cases of heat exhaustion and one transported to a hospital due to heat (it was 89 frigging degrees and an unbelievably low humidity for here, like 40% or something) - ummm, I thought ... well, you know what I thought about heat and illegals.
As GW's double said about Laura last night, "She's hot." Adding, "Muy caliente." I've laughed till I cried, watching the clips; could have watched the whole routine over and over and still laughed. Double: "Nuclear proliferation" Real GWB: "Nuke-ular preliberation."