Which is why a guest worker program will never succeed. The only reason illegals are hired is because they are illegal. Once legalized, they would be entitled to freely participate in the job market and enjoy all of its attendent rights & priviledges - like getting terminated because they would no longer provide any economic benefit to their employers.
Imagine being saddled with all the wages, benefits & insurance costs (like worker's comp) associated with hiring citizens, but in return you still get low-skilled, uneducated, illiterate (can neither read nor right) employees. Yeah, that's really gonna work out.
Ah, the irony of calling others illiterate...
I couldn't agree more. As soon as the illegals become legal then they will be unemployable.
The only way a guest program would ever work would be if the employers were responsible for sponsoring the guest workers. The employer would have to be responsible for all debts and social services that the worker accrued. Also, only workers could come - no non-working spouses or children.
Of course no employer would use a guest worker under these conditions as they would just hire true illegals.