"Many hope the Duke case will lead to fewer rapes and better reporting."
At least it should teach young men not to bring women of bad repute back to the house.
Re: Bonnie Fisher, criminal justice professor U. Cincinnati
To quote:
"Bonnie Fisher: Domestic Terrorist
"College campuses host large concentrations of young women who are at greater risk for rape and other forms of sexual assault than women in the general population or in a comparable age group. Based on their findings, Bonnie Fisher and her colleagues estimate that the women at a college that has 10,000 female students could experience more than 350 rapes a year a finding with serious policy implications for college administrators.
"Fisher also found that many women do not characterize their sexual victimizations as a crime for a number of reasons (such as embarrassment, not clearly understanding the legal definition of rape, or not wanting to define someone they know who victimized them as a rapist) or because they blame themselves for their sexual assault. The study reinforces the importance of many organizations efforts to improve education and knowledge about sexual assault."
This completely absurd, unfounded, untested, and cynical hypothesis makes Bonnie Fisher a domestic terrorist who's far more dangerous to the American public than Osama Bin Ladin, even IF he's guilty as charged."
These same women complain that bars are nothing but meat markets. What do they think dance clubs are for? Women are so naive sometimes.