A long read, but really unreal some of the things they are overtly demanding.
And we know what happens when they don't get their way...
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To: FreedomNeocon
I like the bit about being treated just like other religions and then demand special treatment.
The want the counties to float the money to build terrorist training camps? To heck with that, tell them to find their own dang money.
2 posted on
04/30/2006 10:18:24 AM PDT by
(Sharia. Coming to a town near you.)
To: FreedomNeocon
we have a preview of what could be expected here (US) from a large minority that is boycotting monday?
3 posted on
04/30/2006 10:18:41 AM PDT by
To: FreedomNeocon
we have a preview of what could be expected here (US) from a large minority that is boycotting monday?
4 posted on
04/30/2006 10:18:46 AM PDT by
To: FreedomNeocon
sorry about the double post, finger got stuck :)
5 posted on
04/30/2006 10:19:31 AM PDT by
To: FreedomNeocon
The Swedes, being the anti-semites they are, will acquiesce to these demands. If only to stick it to the Jews.
6 posted on
04/30/2006 10:19:46 AM PDT by
(It's time for a college football playoff system.)
To: FreedomNeocon
One of my favs is this part:
Opinion making
That the Swedish legal system is democratic and non-discriminating must in practice mean that the system should protect all people and ethnicities in the country, but this isn't always enough as the Muslims see it. People that belong to minority groups can require special rights to be able to exist on an equal footing with the majority. The biggest problem that Muslims face is the opinions of the majority. The community is responsible [or guilty] for trying to assimilate the immigrants of the nation.
As members of the dominant majority culture you're equipped with your own cultures blinkers that gives you great trouble when it comes to seeing the whole picture.
Today you openly speak about the Muslims as if they are not proper, full members of the Swedish community.
The negative image of Muslims are maintained and strengthened by the media and not least by the Swedish educational system.
Many Muslims experience discrimination, especially at work or when they are looking for housing. This should be seen as an expression of negative Swedish cultural influence that has rubbed off on the youth.
7 posted on
04/30/2006 10:21:33 AM PDT by
(Better to take what they can throw at us now,rather than take what they promise to throw at us later)
To: FreedomNeocon
"And we know what happens when they don't get their way..." And when will we see these demands here in America? And how long will it take the DIMS & RINOs in Congress to acquiesce?
8 posted on
04/30/2006 10:22:43 AM PDT by
("He who is wedded to the spirit of the age is soon a widower" - Anonymous)
To: FreedomNeocon
i could see helping on this one
"Burial Grounds
Despite the fac that Islam has existed for 32 years as an organised religion in Sweden, the construction of burial grounds has been constantly hampered. Other than in the forest church yard in Stockholm there are Muslim burial grounds in 20 something countries, but that is not enough. Today there are Muslims in nearly 100 counties that lack burial grounds. The biggest general problem that Muslims encounter is that their dead are to be buried as quickly as possible, according to Islamic custom, and by a Muslim burial in their home county.
Muslims demand that the Union of Congregations [head organ] in the Swedish Church co-operates with the countries counties to reserve burial plots in all counties that have Muslim inhabitants.
Muslims also demand that the ombudsman in each province will, in matters of funerals, take full responsibility to accommodate the Muslim demands for burial grounds.
10 posted on
04/30/2006 10:25:21 AM PDT by
(They will love us when we win)
To: FreedomNeocon
A mosque in every city or county would have significant value to the Muslims of the country. It would be seen as a recognition of the existence of Muslims and Islams right to exist in Sweden. And of course, in reciprocation the same conditions will be offered in setting up Christian Churches in every city in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Indonesia.
11 posted on
04/30/2006 10:26:27 AM PDT by
(I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who holds my future)
To: FreedomNeocon
Sounds similar to what La Raza, MEChA, Aztlan, and the various communist parties hope to achieve here in the Reconquista of the US.
12 posted on
04/30/2006 10:26:33 AM PDT by
(wWBBD: What would Brian Boitano do?)
To: FreedomNeocon
Well it looks like Sweden is being taking over,glad I
dont live there.This was once a proud and powerful
viking country, very sad.
Demand #137 - "In every mosque there shall be bowls of skittles separated by color. Far too long have the infidels forced us to eat the yellow ones."
Next they will be demanding a couple hours of paid time off each work day in order to pray. Oh wait......
14 posted on
04/30/2006 10:29:00 AM PDT by
To: FreedomNeocon
What this is is a list of ALL that they demand change in Sweden-and the world-INSTEAD of their changing their SICK, backward, EVIL 'religion'.
To hell with all of them. The North Sea should be put to good use.
15 posted on
04/30/2006 10:34:43 AM PDT by
(Whenever someone says it's not about Islam-it's about Islam. Jesus loves you, Allah wants you dead!)
To: FreedomNeocon
Halal butchery (permitted foods for Muslims) To contribute to giving the Muslims and Jews dispensation or special legislation to perform the Islamic and Jewish butchery. ... In Sweden animals may not be ritually slaughtered before [without] anaesthesia
Halal butchery has become a special problem for Muslims. This is especially true in connection to the sacrifical feast (Kurban or Eid al Adha) where Muslim families slaughter a lamb due to religious traditions.
Sub text:
1) We are just as good as those Jooooooos, only more religion-of-peaceful.
2) We want to hear the lamb squeal and know it suffered.
3) How else can we practice throat slashings and beheadings???
4) The family that slays together, stays together...
17 posted on
04/30/2006 10:43:34 AM PDT by
null and void
(It is not what men are wired to do. We just do not domesticate well. - Fred)
To: FreedomNeocon
Demands? More than Joe Swede? Or, as here, Sam American?
NO way Jose (or Amahd).
18 posted on
04/30/2006 10:44:11 AM PDT by
(Take me to your blender !)
To: FreedomNeocon
This is what happens when adults enable childish behavior.
Like the latinos from our southern border and the muslims in Europe, cheap labor and meek behavior allowed many to ignore little things like the law.
Like the latinos, the muslims now feel they have enough numbers to use "mob rule" to make demands.
Majority rule with "Minority Rights" is beyond their comprehension. They seem to think "minority rights" means denying non-muslims theirs.
But then again this is a religion based on self delusion and adolescent boy wet dream fantasy.
21 posted on
04/30/2006 10:58:14 AM PDT by
To: FreedomNeocon
What should be the Swedish response to the demands.
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y231/dasher4/LMAO.gif)
22 posted on
04/30/2006 10:58:50 AM PDT by
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: FreedomNeocon
I don't think the Swedes have thought this through.
In a couple generations, with muslim birth rates, they won't have to make any demands. They can vote their own people in, as a majority, and democratically turn Sweden into another oppressive Islamic state. Where will the native Swede refugees go?
To: FreedomNeocon
vThe Swedish state should introduce the term interest free loans and borrowers should have the right to deduct payments on interest free loans from the tax returns on the same grounds as loan interest.
This is one of my favorite.
24 posted on
04/30/2006 11:01:13 AM PDT by
(Sometimes your worst nightmare is just a start.)
To: FreedomNeocon
They'll be sending this to the US Congress any day now, and if dems win in '06 and '08, they'll get what they want.
26 posted on
04/30/2006 11:15:41 AM PDT by
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