British policy isn't the problem, British troops fear engaging the enemy because of a feeling of lack of support from the chain of command, that has nothing to do with policy.
The British commanders were taking steps to correct the problem when this report was released, I.E: the first step in correcting a problem is identifying it. The newspaper reporting a secret memo does notyhing to correct the problem either since it now allows Muslims in Great Britain with terrorist ties to report back to those in Iraq with the weaknesses of british troops.
"British policy isn't the problem, British troops fear engaging the enemy because of a feeling of lack of support from the chain of command, that has nothing to do with policy.
The British commanders were taking steps to correct the problem when this report was released, I.E: the first step in correcting a problem is identifying it. The newspaper reporting a secret memo does notyhing to correct the problem either since it now allows Muslims in Great Britain with terrorist ties to report back to those in Iraq with the weaknesses of british troops."
Upon rereading the article, I've decided you are correct and I was mistaken.